Thursday, 29 October 2009

3 DAYS TO GO!!!!

The challenge is soon to begin so make sure your school is registered in time!

There have been a number of Scottish schools appearing on the World Hall of Fame (go to to view) so it looks like it's going to be a very close competition! We have aleady seen Kelvinside Academy, George Heriots, MacMerry School and Coylton School at the top of our leader boards so will they keep up the good work and appear at the top of our Scottish Hall of Fame when it opens next week, or are there other schools waiting to take their place........?

We would love to know what your school are going to be doing to prepare for the challenge and how you are planning to win it! If you would like to post your comments and suggestions, or just some words of encouragement, on our blog please send these to and keep your eyes peeled!

Good luck everyone and keep practising!!!

Monday, 12 October 2009


Welcome to the Scottish Schools Maths Challenge blog!

Watch this space for updates and information about the challenge.

We would love to know about what you are doing at your school to prepare for the challenge and about any tips you have for achieving the highest points! If you would like to post a message or a photo on this page about your school please email these to us at

Happy mathleticking everyone!

From the Mathletics Team